AR15 Magazines and Ammo
(too old to reply)
Michael Shamel
2004-01-20 08:03:55 UTC
19 boxes (20 rds each) of 5.56 Winchester 55 grain FMJ
1 box (20 rds) 5.56 Federal Premium 55 grain Sierra Gameking BTHP

AR15 magazines:
2 Israeli Orlite 30 rd.
3 Colt 20 rd.
1 Colt Match Grade 5 rd.

5 boxes (20 rds. each) Russian 7.62x39

I'd like to sell the magazines as a group and not break them up.
Please email me with offers.

Michael Shamel
2004-01-20 08:27:00 UTC
My apologies, I am visiting from Alaska and did
not realize that I was violating California law by offering
the 15 hi cap mags for sale. The ammo and the 5 rounder
are still for sale though.


On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 00:03:55 -0800, Michael Shamel
Post by Michael Shamel
19 boxes (20 rds each) of 5.56 Winchester 55 grain FMJ
1 box (20 rds) 5.56 Federal Premium 55 grain Sierra Gameking BTHP
2 Israeli Orlite 30 rd.
3 Colt 20 rd.
1 Colt Match Grade 5 rd.
5 boxes (20 rds. each) Russian 7.62x39
I'd like to sell the magazines as a group and not break them up.
Please email me with offers.
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